Oak+Iris Highlights: Vol. 1-Welcome!

Welcome to the first edition of Oak + Iris Highlights, our salon education platform! Unlike other platforms, this is by a stylist, for the consumer. It is my goal to give you easy to implement, digestible information that you can use in your daily routine, to help you achieve your best hair days.

If you are new here, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Heather, and I am a 12+ year veteran in the beauty industry. I moved to Nashville in 2009 to pursue my career in the field of cosmetology. I worked for a major electronics retailer for many years before, during, and after cosmetology school. It was there that I learned SO much about not only the products I was selling, but how to deliver an incredible customer experience. I mention it now, because I use so much of what I learned in that big box store to this day, in my career as a stylist. One of the most valuable tools we have as professionals is the ability to educate people. Whether it was 19-year-old me trying to help a customer find the right TV for their needs, or 32-year-old me helping my guests create a specific look, it is a passion of mine to give people the tools they need from behind the chair to be successful at home.

I am honored to be able to create beautiful hair for my clients. On this educational platform you can expect to see product spotlights, where I will tell you about a specific product or product line, who it works best for, and why I love it. You will also find DIY videos to help you achieve salon quality styles from home. Lastly, I will do my best to answer the most commonly asked questions from the salon. It is my goal to make this a one stop shop for you to find helpful information in regards to all things hair.

Is there something specific you want to see highlighted here? Please, email us- heather@oakandiris.com.

Thank you of much for visiting our blog. I can’t wait to share my knowledge and passion with all of you.

Come back Friday, February 4 for a full tutorial to create an amazing, salon quality blowout from home. See you then!


Oak+Iris Highlights: Vol. 2- Beautiful, At-Home Blowout